Everything you need to know to get a job teaching English in Romania.

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About Teaching English in Romania

Enjoying a national rebirth following the fall of the Iron Curtain, Romania represents a small but growing job market for teaching English in Eastern Europe.

Most language schools interview and recruit new English teachers locally in Romania during the beginning of September and then again in January. For those looking to teach through the summer, opportunities at summer English language camps may be available, and positions typically start in late June and early July.

Two English teachers in Romania an English teacher in Romania

While there are some opportunities to interview in advance for positions, English teachers should expect to interview in person once they arrive in Romania, and they will also be responsible for their airfare, as well as housing. Many English teachers live in apartments recently vacated by previous teachers, and many room with their coworkers. 

A solid hourly wage affords English teachers to live a comfortable life, especially given the cost of living, which is lower than in many Western European nations.  Schools typically offer around 20-25 hours per week of work, leaving you plenty of opportunities to travel and explore.

To teach English in Romania, you will need a TEFL certificate. A 4-year college degree is not required. EU citizenship or a work visa and native English proficiency are expected to find a TEFL job. The average salary for an English teacher in Romania is about $300 - $1,000 USD per month.

Major cities for English teaching jobs are Bucharest, Constanta, Cluj-Napoca, and Lasi.

How to Teach English in Romania: Requirements

TEFL Certification

A TEFL certification is required to teach English in Romania. You do not need professional teaching experience but earning your TEFL certification will provide you with the training and qualification you do need to get hired. 

Teachers typically interview for jobs in-person in Romania. Therefore, it is most common for students to take one of our TEFL course options listed below.

Native English-Speaking Proficiency

You do not need to be a native English speaker to teach English in Romania, however, you will be expected to be fluent in English and speak at a native level to be considered for teaching jobs.  

Degree Requirements

English teachers do not require a bachelor's degree to teach English in Romania, however, it is preferred. Please note, your bachelor's degree does not need to be in education, it can be in any field.

How to Find TEFL Jobs in Romania

English Teaching Jobs in Romania

The most common teaching jobs in Romania consist of:

  • Teaching adults in foreign language schools.
  • Teaching children in public schools.
  • Teaching Business English to adults.
  • Private one-on-one tutoring.
  • Teaching English Online.

TEFL Jobs Romania: Hiring & Visa

Romania represents a more challenging job market for any teacher who does not already have citizenship from a qualified European Union (EU) nation or working rights in Romania, but it is still a possibility. 

    English teachers in Romania can expect to find jobs during the peak hiring months of September and January with an expected downtime in August. Interviews are conducted face-to-face, meaning you will need to be in Romania to interview for your teaching job.

    Most foreign teachers will apply for the National Long-Stay Visa (D). Non-EU citizens looking for work in Romania must find their job and apply for their long-stay visa before their move to Romania (it cannot be processed within Romania). Non-EU teachers must have a job in advance before they can apply for their long-stay visa in Romania.

ESL Romania: Hours

Schools in Romania offer approximately 20 to 30 hours of classroom work per week plus additional hours for prep time. This allows for plenty of time to travel and explore. 

Teaching Romanian Students

It is most common that your students will be adult business professionals or school-aged children.

TEFL Romania Salary & Cost of Living

Start-up Costs

Start-up costs will range from $600 - $1,500 USD (2,500 - 6,300 RON). These are expenses you will incur from your arrival in Romania until you receive your first paycheck and may include things like rent, apartment supplies, transport, groceries, getting your new local cell phone number set up, etc. 

How Much Can I Earn Teaching English in Romania?

A modest salary and a low cost of living enable English teachers in Romania the opportunity to live a comfortable lifestyle. Teachers can expect to make $300 - $1,000 USD per month (1,250 - 4,200 RON).

There are no flight or housing benefits/stipends provided so you will need to remember to account for accommodation or temporary housing for your first few weeks in your start-up costs until you find an apartment to rent.

Cost of Living & Savings

The average monthly cost of living ranges from around $500 - $800 USD per month (2,100 - 3,350 RON).

English teachers in Romania can expect to break even month after month. This means you can cover your rent and bills, support yourself, live comfortably, and enjoy your life abroad to the fullest, but you should not expect to save money at the end of the month. If you are hustling and taking on private tutoring lessons and/or teaching English online in addition to your regular teaching schedule, you may increase your ability to save.


What Does Teaching in Romania Look Like?

Check out ITA alumna Nicola Wynn show you a day in her life teaching English online from Brasov, Romania.

Want more? We've got you covered! Visit our Video Library to watch day-in-the-life videos from our alumni and get a glimpse into what your life as an English teacher in Romania and Europe could look like!


Teaching English in Romania FAQs

What do I need to teach English in Romania?

To teach English in Romania, make sure you understand what is and is not required:


  • A TEFL certification.
  • Romania represents a more challenging job market for any teacher who does not already have citizenship from a qualified European Union (EU) nation. If you are a non-EU citizen and want to teach English in Romania, you must find work and apply for a National Long Stay Visa (D) before your move to Romania.
  • Understanding of the types of English teaching jobs that are available.
  • Savings for start-up costs.

Not Required:

  • A 4-year college degree is preferred but not required.
  • You do not need to be a native English speaker, but you will be expected to be fluent in English and speak at a native level to be considered for teaching jobs. 

How much do English teachers make in Romania?

English teachers in Romania can expect to make $300 - $1,000 USD per month (1,250 - 4,200 RON). There are no flight or housing benefits/stipends provided so you will need to remember to account for accommodation or temporary housing for your first few weeks in your start-up costs until you find an apartment to rent.

What are my job opportunities for teaching English in Romania?

Romania represents a more challenging job market for any teacher who does not already have citizenship from a qualified European Union (EU) nation. English teachers with EU citizenship can expect to find jobs during the peak hiring months of September and January and will need to be present in Romania for face-to-face interviews.

You can find TEFL jobs in Romania by teaching adults in foreign language schools; teaching children in public schools; teaching Business English to adults; private one-on-one tutoring; teaching English online.

What type of visa do I need to teach English in Romania?

Most foreign teachers will apply for the National Long-Stay Visa (D). Non-EU citizens looking for work in Romania must find their job and apply for their long-stay visa before their move to Romania (it cannot be processed within Romania). Non-EU teachers must have a job in advance before they can apply for their long-stay visa in Romania.

In order to apply for the long-term visa, you will need to prepare and submit the following documents: In order to apply for a long-stay visa with the purpose of employment, you must be able to provide the following items with your visa application.

  • Employment Permit
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Proof of Financial means
  • Proof of medical insurance
  • Criminal record check
  • Recent photograph
  • International Resume and Cover Letter
  • Valid Passport

Recommended TEFL Courses for Teaching English in Romania

Part-Time Online TEFL Course

What's included 👇

  • 170-Hour Online Certification
  • 11 Weeks Part-Time
  • OFQUAL Level 5 Accreditation from TQUK
  • Live Office Hours with Your Instructor & Peer-Participation with Classmates
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 20-Hours Live Practice Teaching

Intensive Online TEFL Course

What's included 👇

  • 4 Weeks Full-Time (40+ hours per week) - required class time typically 6-8 hours daily
  • OFQUAL Level 5 Accreditation from TQUK
  • Live Office Hours with Your Instructor & Peer-Participation with Classmates
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 10-Hours Live Practice Teaching (Virtual) built into the course

Named best U.S. TEFL Course
Named best Online TEFL class


Rating from 1,000+ Reviews


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Reviews From ITA Students Who Now Experience TEFL in Romania

Lucia Carro

Teaches English in Romania

Lucia Carro

teach English online from Iași, the northeastern part of Romania. I have been living here for almost two years now and plan to stay here for another year or so. I was accepted at the University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza to study Romanian and other foreign languages, and since I teach online, it was easy to keep working and move abroad. I enjoy living in Romania, it's a different and interesting country to live in. I do recommend learning some Romanian if you're planning to live here, not everyone speaks English.

Jenny Polcyn

Taught English in Romania

Jenny Polcyn

I chose ITA because I heard really awesome things about it and many people recommended it. I chose to teach English in Romania in the city of Brasov. I had visited Romania before coming to teach here, and I loved the culture. I knew that this was a place that desperately needed English teachers. I didn't want to teach in a location that was full of only expats, and this was the perfect place to find a good mix of locals and internationals. The cost of living in Romania is very low, so it is easy to have a comfortable lifestyle even though the pay is so low. 

Michelle Hardy

Teaches English in Europe

Michelle Hardy

I chose ITA because of the support they offer alumni with the job search process. I liked the online TEFL course and found it very informative. My instructor was very knowledgeable and also approachable. It helped me to approach my position with confidence. Even though it was my first 'official' teaching position, I felt that I'd already gained enough experience that I wasn't a complete novice.