Everything you need to know to get a job teaching English in Prague & the Czech Republic.

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About Teaching English in the Czech Republic

To teach English in the Czech Republic, you will need a TEFL certificate. A 4-year college degree is also typically required. and native English proficiency is expected to find a TEFL job. The average salary for an English teacher in the Czech Republic is about $1,700 - $2,300 USD per month.

Known as a nation of castles, poets, and beer, the Czech Republic provides a quintessential blend of classic and modern Europe and represents one of the fastest-growing job markets for teaching English in the region. The demand for English teachers in the Czech Republic is strong, especially in Prague. Following their admittance into the European Union, there has been a considerable increase in demand for native English instructors throughout the country. English teachers typically find work and begin teaching by interviewing locally in the Czech Republic during major hiring seasons in September, and then again in January. However, a limited number of schools will interview job candidates over the phone from their home country in advance.  Most contracts end in late June. 

A solid hourly wage affords English teachers in the Czech Republic to live a comfortable life while they are employed.  Schools typically offer 20-25 hours per week of work, leaving plenty of time to travel and explore.  English teachers typically need to have a BA to teach in the Czech Republic, and a TEFL certification is absolutely necessary as well. International TEFL Academy also offers a TEFL course in Prague.

a female English teacher the Czech Republic with her students English teachers the Czech Republic with the ITA flag

Major cities for English teaching jobs are Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and Pilsen. International TEFL Academy does not typically recommend that our students or alumni without a degree consider the Czech Republic as a viable teaching destination.

For those looking to teach through the summer, opportunities at summer English language camps exist throughout the Czech Republic and the rest of Europe. These positions typically start in late June and early July. English teachers will be expected to interview in person once they arrive in the Czech Republic, and they will also be responsible for their airfare, as well as housing.  Most teachers live in apartments recently vacated by previous teachers, and many share a flat with their coworkers.

How to Teach English in the Czech Republic: Requirements

TEFL Certification in Prague

A TEFL certification is required to teach English in the Czech Republic. You do not need professional teaching experience but earning your TEFL certification will provide you with the training and qualification you do need to get hired. 

English teachers in the Czech Republic typically interview in person. Therefore, it is most common for students to take one of our TEFL course options listed below.

Read more: What are the requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic?

Native English-Speaking Proficiency

You do not need to be a native English speaker to get a visa to teach English in the Czech Republic, however, most schools require it. You will be expected to be fluent in English and speak at a native level to be considered for teaching jobs. Citizenship from the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa is highly preferred.

*Please note
- finding an English-teaching job in the Czech Republic for non-native English speakers will be extremely competitive and not always possible. If you are a non-native English speaker, we recommend contacting a visa agency in the Czech Republic to research your steps.

Degree Requirements for the Czech Republic

A Bachelor's degree is typically required to secure a job in the Czech Republic. International TEFL Academy does not recommend that our students or alumni without a degree consider the Czech Republic as a viable teaching destination.

How to Find ESL Teacher Jobs in Prague & the Czech Republic

English Teaching Jobs in Prague & the Czech Republic

The most common TEFL jobs in the Czech Republic consist of:

  • Teaching adults or children in private language schools.
  • Teaching children in English language summer camps.
  • Private tutoring both children and adults.
  • Teaching Business English to adults.
  • Teaching English Online.

TEFL Jobs Prague & Czech Republic: Hiring & Visa

English teachers in the Czech Republic can expect to find jobs in September and January. Most schools in the Czech Republic conduct face-to-face interviews, meaning you will need to be on the ground and in the Czech Republic to interview for jobs. Some schools will also hire in advance over the phone/video call.

Work visas for English teachers in the Czech Republic are commonly processed in-country, which means you will enter the Czech Republic on a tourist visa which is typically valid for up to 90 days. Upon arrival, you can apply for a work visa that will enable you to teach English in the Czech Republic legally. 

The Zivnostensky List (Zivno) is the work visa most commonly used by Americans and other non-E.U. citizens teaching English in the Czech Republic. You will apply for it directly from the government and it will allow you to work legally at any school in the Czech Republic that will hire you. Typically, to receive this type of visa, the teacher will need to work with a Relocation Service or Visa Help Service in the CR; paperwork and applications can be obtained from government zivnostensky offices. Visa assistance services can cost up to 1,000 Euro for the teacher.

Read More: Can Americans Get a Work Visa to Teach English in the Czech Republic?

Czech Republic English Teaching Jobs: Hours

English language schools in the Czech Republic offer approximately 20 to 30 hours of classroom work per week plus additional hours for prep time. This allows for plenty of time to travel and explore. 

Teaching Czech Students

It is most common that your students will be children, adults, or business professionals. 

Teaching English in Czech Republic Salary & Cost of Living

Start-up Costs

Start-up costs will range from $2,400 - $4,500 USD (55,000 - 103,000 CZK). These are expenses you will incur from your arrival in the Czech Republic until you receive your first paycheck and may include things like rent, apartment supplies, transport, groceries, getting your new local cell phone number set up, etc. 

English Teacher Salary in the Czech Republic

A solid hourly wage enables teachers the opportunity to live a comfortable lifestyle while in the Czech Republic. English teachers in the Czech Republic can expect to make $1,700 - $2,300 USD per month (23,000 - 34,000 CZK). It is common for teachers in the Czech Republic to also teach English online or private tutor to supplement their income.

There are no flight or housing benefits/stipends provided so you will need to remember to account for accommodation or temporary housing for your first few weeks in your start-up costs until you find an apartment to rent. 

Read more: How much can English teachers make in the Czech Republic?

Cost of Living & Savings

The cost of living typically ranges between $800-$1,600 USD per month (18,000 - 37,000 CZK).

English teachers in the Czech Republic can expect to break even month over month. This means you can cover your rent and bills, support yourself, live comfortably, and enjoy your life abroad to the fullest, but you should not expect to save money at the end of the month. If you are hustling and taking on private tutoring lessons and/or teaching English online in addition to your regular teaching schedule, you may increase your ability to save.


What Does Teaching in the Czech Republic Look Like?

Watch ITA alumni couple Chris and Shelby show us a day in their lives living and teaching English in the Czech Republic.

Want more? We've got you covered! Visit our Video Library to watch day-in-the-life videos from our alumni and get a glimpse into what your life as an English teacher in the Czech Republic could look like!


Teaching English in the Czech Republic FAQs

Can you teach English in Prague without a degree?

To teach English in the Czech Republic, make sure you understand what is and is not required:


  • A TEFL certification.
  • Understanding of the types of English teaching jobs that are available.
  • Savings for start-up costs.
  • A bachelor's degree is typically required. International TEFL Academy does not recommend that our students or alumni without a degree consider the Czech Republic as a viable teaching destination.

Not Required:

  • You do not need to be a native English speaker to get a visa to teach English in the Czech Republic, however, most schools require it. You will be expected to be fluent in English and speak at a native level to be considered for teaching jobs. Citizenship from the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa is highly preferred.

    *Please note
    - finding an English-teaching job in the Czech Republic for non-native English speakers will be extremely competitive and not always possible. If you are a non-native English speaker, we recommend contacting a visa agency in the Czech Republic to research your steps.

Read more: Qualifications for teaching English in the Czech Republic.

How much do English teachers make in Prague & the Czech Republic?

English teachers in Prague & the Czech Republic can expect to make $1,000 - $1,500 USD  (23,000 - 34,000 CZK) per month.

There are no flight or housing benefits/stipends provided so you will need to remember to account for accommodation or temporary housing for your first few weeks in your start-up costs until you find an apartment to rent.

Read more: How much can I earn teaching English in the Czech Republic?

Are English teachers in the demand in Czech Republic?

Following their admittance into the European Union, there has been a considerable increase in demand for native English instructors throughout the country. The demand for English teachers in the Czech Republic is strong, especially in Prague. English teachers typically find work and begin teaching by interviewing locally in the Czech Republic during major hiring seasons in September, and then again in January. 

What type of visa do I need to teach English in the Czech Republic?

Work visas for English teachers in Czech Republic are commonly processed in-country, so you will enter the Czech Republic on a tourist visa which is typically valid for up to 90 days. Upon arrival, you can apply for a work visa that will enable you to teach English in Czech Republic legally.

The  Zivnostensky List (Zivno) is the work visa most commonly used by Americans and other non-E.U. citizens teaching English in the Czech Republic. You will apply for it directly from the government and it will allow you to work legally at any school in the Czech Republic that will hire you. Typically, to receive this type of visa, the teacher will need to work with a Relocation Service or Visa Help Service in the CR; paperwork and applications can be obtained from government zivnostensky offices. Visa assistance services can cost up to 1,000 Euro for the teacher.

Read More: Can Americans Get a Work Visa to Teach English in the Czech Republic?

Recommended TEFL Courses for
Teaching English in the Czech Republic

Prague, Czech Republic TEFL Course

What's included 👇

  • In-Person 4 Weeks, Full-Time
  • Accredited by IATQuO (International Accreditation of TESOL Qualifying Organizations) - Meets/Exceeds All Industry Accreditation Standards
  • University-Level Instructors
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 10-Hours Live Practice Teaching
  • Classes Capped at 12 Students

Part-Time Online TEFL Course

What's included 👇

  • 170-Hour Online Certification
  • 11 Weeks Part-Time
  • OFQUAL Level 5 Accreditation from TQUK
  • Live Office Hours with Your Instructor & Peer-Participation with Classmates
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 20-Hours Live Practice Teaching

Intensive Online TEFL Course

What's included 👇

  • 4 Weeks Full-Time (40+ hours per week) - required class time typically 6-8 hours daily
  • OFQUAL Level 5 Accreditation from TQUK
  • Live Office Hours with Your Instructor & Peer-Participation with Classmates
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 10-Hours Live Practice Teaching (Virtual) built into the course

Named best U.S. TEFL Course
Named best Online TEFL class


Rating from 1,000+ Reviews


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Reviews From ITA Students Who Now Experience TEFL in the Czech Republic

Tom Buskey

Taught English in the Czech Republic

Tom Buskey

There were many options out there to get TEFL certified and some for less money, but when you factor in all of the positive reviews, feedback, and resources that ITA has, it makes the decision pretty easy. You want a company that is recognized and respected globally in the TEFL markets and ITA definitely has that. The live practice teaching was FUN! I've never participated in a classroom setting with young children before, and while challenging, still very fun and rewarding. I teach business professionals one-on-one in Prague and I LOVE my job.

Jean Willis

Teaches English in the Czech Republic

Jean Willis

Laid off from a corporate job in November 2018, I took it as a hint from the Universe that my life direction was due for a shakeup. I decided to take ITA's Online TEFL Course because of their accreditation. For me, re-learning grammar was the hardest part. Admittedly, grammar was not my best subject when I was younger, but I’m happy the course focused on it so heavily. The course prepared me for the classroom. I now teach English in Prague - it's a good place to teach English and jobs are plentiful!

Katie Moss

Taught English in the Czech Republic

Katie Moss

The person I was in contact with from ITA was absolutely amazing and answered all of my gazillion questions over the phone and through email. He is the one who sold me on ITA and was the final push I needed to make my decision. I was very glad there was a practicum component of the TEFL course so I was able to get some hands-on experience. I would highly recommend Prague! About 40% of the population speaks English, and it is an easy city to navigate. It is absolutely beautiful here with the ornate architecture and many green spaces!